Why aquatherm?
To produce safe and innovative piping systems - that is the lived promise of aquatherm. This already starts with the raw material: We develop and refine our polypropylene granulate under the fusiolen® brand. This way we can always perfectly adjust the properties of our products to the requirements of the different fields of application. No matter whether its pipes or fittings: "100 % Made in Germany" applies to all of them. We produce exclusively and with the latest manufacturing technology at our German sites in Attendorn (headquarters), Ennest and Radeberg.
Only tested products then start their journey to our customers worldwide. In addition to the permanent in-house quality assurance, which includes the monitoring of testing equipment, process, production and incoming goods inspections as well as the final inspection, external monitoring is carried out by e.g. the Süddeutsche Kunststoffzentrum (SKZ), NSF (National Sanitation Foundation, USA), IIP (Instituto Italiano di Plastici, Italy), CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, France), TGM (Technologisches Gewerbemuseum, Austria) and the Hygieneinstitut des Ruhrgebiets. Numerous national and international neutral authorities and institutions confirm the high aquatherm quality standard.